Tuesday, March 4, 2014

T-Minus Less than 12 Hours.....

First and foremost, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us in this journey, whether it was through kind words of encouragement and support, or through financially and physically supporting us. So, again THANK YOU.

With that being said, since I decided to "go public" with our story in the famous (to me) January 17th post, I've come under a few criticisms and...stumbling-blocks, I suppose along the way. Let me be completely, utterly, and honestly, clear. I am NOT begging for money; I am NOT trying to guilt trip anyone, and I am NOT trying to force anyone to do anything. I am simply trying to keep my friends and family (and anyone that so happens to stumble upon my speck of the internet) informed and up to date on our situation. And, as both Bryan and I are too ....proud I guess the word would be... we do NOT want to straight up ask for money, and we don't accept it easily however. So, yes, we set up a GoFundMe (found here) to let those who feel compelled to donate and help us out, to do so easily. (And before someone tries to criticise the fact that our wedding is mentioned on our GFM page, we will be asking for monetary gifts as opposed to traditional/registry gift for our wedding.)

Now. On to that update.
We are in Blairsville, Georgia, safe and sound. I've got quite the stockpile (gathered from couponing) built up for my food while here: Cheerios, Ramen, jugs of KoolAid... I'm ready to go. Court is less than 12 hours away, and I'm officially beginning to get nervous. The jumpy, do-we-have-enough kind of nervous. As barely-above-minimum-wage workers with a child and a heavy debt ratio baring down on us (thank you student loans...), I'm terrified we won't get this all taken care of this week. We know of roughly $1500 worth of fees, fines, etc etc that need to be paid before we are scotch free out of here. Meanwhile, every day Bryan has to spend in jail (Side note: Positive energies, prayers, kind thoughts, anything and everything is appreciated that we don't have to be here more than the two nights) is another $65 for the hotel that I'm beginning to fear we won't have. Luckily, I brought all of my homework with me, so the hope is while I keep my mind off the fact that my love is stuck in jail over something he had no honest-to-God clue about, I at least get caught up with my classes.
I suppose only time will tell, and as always, I keep everyone updated again.