Thursday, December 22, 2011

End of the Year Obligatory Post

It's been WAY too long since I've just sat in front of a computer screen and simply write. I need to do this more often. I've stumbled my way through my first semester of college, earning nearly straight As in all of my classes. Beginning Spanish 1010--A.
General Biology 1110 and Lab---A
Western Civilizations 1010--A
Finite Mathematics--C but hey, I'm glad I passed that one. It kicked my tail around the block and then some.
There's not too much to share with anyone who stumbles across this page, other than I'm thinking of getting a Tumblr. A condensed space to think, blog anything without hassle. Blogger, I have loved you since 7th grade, and youve been great but I'm beginning to believe it's time to move on to something that can offer me more. I can post REAL works on there, not just rambling, and I can post finished things. Something that can get me noticed. Do you know how weird it looks to put "" on the end of a website? I want to be an author, I want to make a name for myself, and I believe this means slowly killing my KayyMyLove persona.
Now this is beginning to be a crossover post....
My site Inspirations Haven has been there for me for a long time. Awhile really, as has my penname KayyMyLove. Google it. It's all mine for the first page. Which is impressive to say in the least. But as I grow up and I want this dream of writing more and more, it's time for me to have a grownup page, something that I monitor what I post, and what image it portrays. I honestly believe my Bloggers will always be there to fall back on, I'll post to you often. But you're not something I want on a business card. That'll be my tumblr.

I feel resolved.
Thank you.